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Onmoraki are said to be demon birds born from the feelings of resentment and negative Ki emitted from corpses that failed to have funeral rites performed on them. According to ancient texts found across the land, the demon birds release shrill cries as they flap their wings, and their eyes are the only part of their large pitch—black bodies that emit any light, glimmering like flames. One corpse contains enough negative Ki to produce an onmoraki comparable to that of a large bird in size, however a large number of corpses can give birth to an onmoraki of extraordinary proportions.

It was widely known that failing to perform funeral rites on corpses was the cause of not only onmoraki, but other strange phenomena as well. It is for this reason that all armies had a priest amongst their ranks who performed funeral rites on the fallen, regardless of the side on which they fought. These priests came to be known as battle priests, and many of them belonged to the Jishu sect of Buddhism. Jishu priests were unique in that they were not beholden to specific temples; instead they travelled the entire country performing their services, which made them valuable sources of information.


Fought during the Resentment Unleashed DLC mission.


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